Saturday, March 2, 2019

The Difference Between "Little Cog-Burt" and "Cotton Candy"

According to Phyllis Shand and Dora Alonso in their stories "Little Cog-Burt" and "Cotton Candy" both authors explain different things that happened in Caribbean. First of all, those books explain two different stories that took place in two different islands while one in Dominica and the another one in Cuba. The books present almost the same reality but in different ways. However, in the beginning of each book, the authors started by introducing their stories with trees. For instance "Little Cog-Burt'' used Christmas tree fairy and the poinsettia trees, on the other hand, "Cotton Candy" explains about the butterfly how it was dancing above the trees.
On the contrary, both stories happened in different seasons. To the left, Little Cog-Burt had happened between summer and spring according to the author "In England the same thing had happened every year, at the end of the children's summer holidays." To the right, Cotton Candy occurred during summer season in moment that butterfly was dancing above the trees. Furthermore, those insects with two pairs of large flying easily in summer season. According to the author "It would fly down, lighting on a radiant morning glory; gather its wings, making them vibrate with a delicious quiver, and at the same time, move its light legs over the wine-colored petals." In contrast, both actors of those books, they were from two different sex types, however, Cog-burt or Richard was a boy but Lola in Cotton Candy was a girl who lost her mother "On her mother's death, the spinster felt an alleviating remorse which made her dissolve into tears." She struggled by seeking who have to married her but her mother going against that situation. After, her mother's death, she start doing her own business by selling fabrics and cosmetics door to door but later she start selling lottery tickets. 

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